The Wag and friends test: The Imaginary Radio Show Live; discuss: 1st caller; 36 Rules For Bands; song: “CC Surf”; favorite bands; music labels; foreign accents. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Chuck Boris, Kristina Van Sant.
The Wag and friends test: The Imaginary Radio Show Live; discuss: laughing over intros; finding Chuck; Guest 7; Interviewing Steve (Guest from the UK; song: “I’ll Never Leave You Again”; The Brian O. Show. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Chuck Boris, Kristina Van Sant.
The Wag and friends discuss: “The Bodies” exhibit; song: “Record Man”; Billiards; Foster’s Beer; earthquake dentistry. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Chuck Boris, Sheri Mathews.
The Wag and friends discuss: Esso stations; the bowling champ; song: “Home”; fortune cookies 1; fun with the soundboard; fortune cookies 2. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Chuck Boris, Sheri Mathews.
The Wag and friends discuss: Mystery 8 Track; Chuck’s Slovakian Christmas music; song: “Hold Me Now”; more Mystery 8 Track; claymation soap opera boy. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members), Chuck Boris.
The Wag and friends discuss: Christmas traditions; song: “Riu Chiu”; German Christmas pickle; song: “The Deal”; jumping Jesus and jumping Chuck. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members), Chuck Boris.
The Wag and friends discuss: Green Bay Packers; dentists; song: “Things You Call Your Own”; Chuck, the shark. Featured IRS players: Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Chuck Boris, Sheri Mathews.
The Wag and friends discuss: New guitarist; song: “In Other Words”; Brian O. at the soundboard; smashed fingers. Featured IRS players: Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Chuck Boris, Sheri Mathews.
The Wag and friends play: Interrupt The Story; discuss: cruises; song: “Sunshine”; more cruise stories. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Sheri Mathews and Lisa Withers.
The Wag and friends play: Interrupt The Story; discuss: Peppertown non-update; song: “Barely Legal”; October 16th; Brian O., the Godfather; song: “Hey Baby”. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Sheri Mathews and Lisa Withers.
The Wag and friends discuss: Sprinkler story update; dying holding hands; song: “Hold On (The Leaf Blower Song)”; Lisa’s & Brian M.’s jokes; song: “Used To Say”; metrosexual update. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Sheri Mathews and Lisa Withers.
The Wag and friends discuss: Mystery tape; song: “Snap”; Brian O.’s dream update; Lisa’s weird dream. Featured IRS players: Brian Ostering, Brian Mowery, Alicia Van Sant (all Wag members); Sheri Mathews and Lisa Withers.